To execute the last one you would need the Migrate Source CSV module. The CSV migration is a backup in case the Google Sheet is not available. The paragraph migration uses a LibreOffice Calc file as source. The image migration uses a Microsoft Excel file as source. It comes with four migrations: `udm_google_sheets_source_node.yml`, `udm_libreoffice_calc_source_paragraph.yml`, `udm_microsoft_excel_source_image.yml`, and `udm_backup_csv_source_node.yml`.

You can get the full code example at The module to enable is `UD Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, and LibreOffice Calc source migration` whose machine name is `ud_migrations_sheets_sources`. There are two example migrations: images and paragraphs. Then, we will present how to configure the module for spreadsheets with or without a header row.

We will give instructions on getting the module and its dependencies. Today we will learn how to migrate content from Microsoft Excel and LibreOffice Calc files into Drupal using the Migrate Spreadsheet module.