Most packages Kali uses are imported from the Debian repositories. Kali Linux is based on the Debian Testing branch.

It was developed by Mati Aharoni and Devon Kearns of Offensive Security through the rewrite of BackTrack, their previous information security testing Linux distribution based on Knoppix. Kali Linux has approximately 600 penetration-testing programs (tools), including Armitage (a graphical cyber attack management tool), Nmap (a port scanner), Wireshark (a packet analyzer), metasploit (penetration testing framework), John the Ripper (a password cracker), sqlmap (automatic SQL injection and database takeover tool), Aircrack-ng (a software suite for penetration-testing wireless LANs), Burp suite and OWASP ZAP web application security scanners, etc. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security. In this article we will download Kali Linux as an ISO file.Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. Or you If you’re running a Windows operating system, you can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to run a Kali Linux distribution. It depends on how you want to use it, you can use Kali Linux as a Live image on a CD/DVD or USB, that allow you to have access to a full bare metal Kali install without needing to alter an already-installed operating system. The web site offers several methods to install kali Linux : Kali Linux download To download Kali Linux go to and click the download button : Kali Linux Homepage

In addition, it also offers a large community support, that is helpful for troubleshooting, resolving bugs and getting help with any questions you may have. Kali Linux also offers other useful functionality as well as customization capability, user can customize the distro to their specific needs with the help of scripts and tools. – A custom kernel that is optimized for wireless injection and other penetration testing tasks Support for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures – A lightweight Xfce desktop environment that can run on older or less powerful hardware – A custom package manager (APT) that makes it easy to install and update software – A live CD/USB feature that allows users to boot the operating system directly from a CD or USB drive, without installing it on a hard drive In addition to its collection of security tools, Kali Linux also includes several other features that make it a useful operating system for penetration testing and digital forensics.